Wow! The last time I posted was in June and here we are in August! So much has been going on! My goodness!
Overall things have been good! Work has kept me busy and being in love has kept me happy lol We've been seeing each other for 3 months now and time just seems to fly by! ... Well when we are together time seems to fly by... when we are apart it seems to drag! And I guess that's the way it should be in a way but with my work schedule it's not like when it starts to get really tough during the week we can just see each other either and i think sometimes that can cause a strain. I was told once by someone to enjoy missing each other and at the time i thought Ha! Since then I've learned that sometimes the build up of missing each other is good because you appreciate all the more the time you do spend with each other and when you do finally see each other it feels good and there's excitement... but I think if you have that up and down week after week sometimes it can be hard and the roller coaster effect starts to wear on you. I think in the last couple of weeks that has been the case and then add on top of that stress, anxiety, fear and insecurity and you have a storm brewing...
In the midst of it all 3 words have crossed my mind... faith, hope and love. ok 4 if you count the AND but i think you get where I'm going.
Faith, Hope, Love... 3 little words that all mean so much and put together are so very powerful. They've always been a bit of a motto/mantra for me.
My faith in God has never wavered. Sometimes it's not as strong but I never doubt that God is moving in my life... I may not always LIKE what's happening in my life but I know that thru it all He's there by my side. I have faith that everything will work out in the end... if it hasn't worked out, it's not the end... I may not always like how it's worked out but that just means there is something else in the works.
My faith gives me hope. Hope that tomorrow will be better if i'm having a bad day. And i have hope that everything will be ok. Faith and Hope are a team, together with love they remind you that anything and everything is possible.
Love... it's such a powerful thing, isn't it? (whoa, Michael Bolton came into my mind for a minute) And yet at the same time so fragile. With the loss of it, it can bring pain, sorrow and emotional devastation and yet when it comes into your life (friendship or romantic) it can bring such joy and healing. Isn't that something?

As for me, the storm came through and i've put my heart in his hands and he knows that i love him. Only time will tell what will happen, and I'm ok with that... but no matter what the next day, week, month, year brings me... FAITH, HOPE and LOVE will get me through.